🌕 The Moon bot - what would you teach it?

The moon :full_moon: lives on Telegram and was born after some confusion about moon phases and jokes with Josh about needing reminders for Lunar Sprints.

You can meet her here https://t.me/LunarPhase_bot

It’s just a baby still, responding to some basic commands

What else could we teach our Moon to do to help out on the hackalongs?

According to Telegram Api it can Do virtually anything. Except for dishes — bots are terrible at doing the dishes.

What would be helpful?

:bulb: Could link it up to discourse API and /bookmark shared links from Hackalong chat directly to a designated forum thread.

Any other ideas?


Hey Maja! This is awesome!
Would the bot be able to send reminders at specific phases?
One easy add would be “lunation”, the upcoming one is 1197

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Yes, that definitely would be possible! We just probably need to come to a consensus that it’s all Liminal time/location-based :wink:

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Yes! and with appropriate amounts of redshift/blueshift factored in also pls :joy:. This is awesome Maija thanks!

Mighty Boosh jokes, Wallace and Grommit and false flag landings are fun suggestions from my world! Your suggestion of scraping Tele links to Discourse is perhaps a more practical application though - shared links from tele could make up interesting nodes in a knowledge graph, I guess it would be good to preserve the context some how also :nerd_face:

Myself and @liminal did some work on user stories for her last night - its not perfect but time to ship:


Question: What phase are we in? (entering lunation phase)
Situation: I’m uncertain of the sprint cycle and why people are doing what they are doing!
Answer: Moon bot pushes notification of “I am the new moon! Signal to others what you would like to do for this lunation while looking for projects that are aligned with your mindset! Please try to log any relevant conversation into the async forum.”

Question: What phase are we in? (entering opening loops phase)
Situation: I’m uncertain of the sprint cycle and why people are doing what they are doing!
Answer: Moon bot pushes notification of “We’re now entering opening-loops phase; Hack and slash a quick prototype of things you talked about. Share early, don’t worry I won’t judge!”

Question: What phase are we in? (entering closing loops phase)
Situation: I’m uncertain of the sprint cycle and why people are doing what they are doing!
Answer: Moon bot pushes notification of ““I will be full tomorrow! Anything else you might want to kick off before entering the next convergence phase?” or “Full moon tonight! Feeling the gravity towards completion of what you started? Remember to celebrate and share what you’ve been doing with your peers (On the forum, live stream or on a local show and tell!)”

Question: What phase are we in? (entering harmonisaton phase)
Situation: I’m uncertain of the sprint cycle and why people are doing what they are doing!
Answer: Moon bot pushes notification of “Last quarter! We just entered the “Harmonisation” phase! Time to wrap up the things which need to be finished! Pick up your logs and maybe write an article explaining what you achieved, post your project on the forum, and tell your neighbours. Then relax and keep your senses open for inspiration for the next lunation, the next new moon is just a week away!”

Question: What phase are we in? (leaving lunation phase)
Situation: I’m uncertain of the sprint cycle and why people are doing what they are doing!
Answer: Moon bot pushes notification of “We are now leaving discovery phase; are you ready to start opening loops?” or “Discovery phase is over, time to get hacky and co-create with some good buds (green or human)“

Question: What phase are we in? (leaving opening loops phase)
Situation: I’m uncertain of the sprint cycle and why people are doing what they are doing!
Answer: Moon bot pushes notification of “We are now leaving opening-loops phase; are you ready to start closing loops instead?” or “Closing loops! Wrap up some of the things you started, by synergizing them with the projects of others. Remember that purpose-driven solutions are all connected!”

Question: What phase are we in? (leaving closing loops phase)
Situation: I’m uncertain of the sprint cycle and why people are doing what they are doing!
Answer: Moon bot pushes notification of “We are now leaving closing-loops phase; are you ready to start polishing up your results for harmonisation?”

Question: What phase are we in? (leaving harmonisation phase)
Situation: I’m uncertain of the sprint cycle and why people are doing what they are doing!
Answer: Moon bot pushes notification of “New moon is in just a few days, have you set your intention for this lunation?” or “We are now leaving harmonisation phase; are you ready to start discovering something new?”

Onboarding/other functionality:

Question: What is hack-along?
Situation: I’ve just arrived in the telegram channel and know nothing about what’s going on, I’m confused by the mixed content and don’t really know how to engage with the group.
Answer: Moonbot welcomes new comer and links to “what the hack-along?” as well as some primer docs - ideally through private message so as to avoid spamming the channel! (possible??)

Question: What’s up with all the lunar stuff like moon bot?
Situation: I’ve just arrived in hack-along Telegram - I’m confused by all this techno-paganisim!
Answer: Moon bot links to sprint patterns post (add a command to call?).

Question: How do I know what people are up to?
Situation: I want to know what vibe people are on and what they are doing!
Answer: Moon bot notifies about the moon phase upon the start and end of each sprint cycle. (see above)

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Great user stories guys!

Answer: Moonbot welcomes new comer and links to “what the hack-along?” as well as some primer docs - ideally through private message so as to avoid spamming the channel! (possible??)

I think all is possible, but the user has to interact with the bot first. Need to check if @ in a group chat is enough. If not can give a “bot link” in the welcome message and take it from there.

Have some more ideas, but think need to stay organized and get the notifications working first ! :sweat_smile:

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