This page is to plan an equinox celebration with at Liminal Village. The participants will be limited to 50 due to space capacity, so due to this limitation we’ll need to prioritise commitments rather than loose intentions. On discussion about how to do that we figured social stakes is the best way to do things (rather than kickback or the like). By this its meant that we should co-create the event, holding ourselves responsible for a niche… like building the fire, cooking, bringing the music, playing the music, decorating the space etc. - if we espouse a belief but fail to take the necessary action (holding ourselves to account) then we affect others.
Heres a shining example that was used to plan last years equinox celebration, but forked into a new google doc for commenting/modifying into this years version. Theres plenty of great material to appropriate!
In that regard, let’s take inspiration from it and informally signal our intentions in the doc etc. before adding our commitments to this post (click edit on the bottom right).
Fire: Josh
Commitment: Gathering enough wood to get things started and building the structure. (I’ll take on more responsibilities as this event progresses, but for now I’m leaving open space for people to self organise in)