// Written in LENS, a pseudocode for smart contracts.
// This file is licensed under the GNU AGPL v3 or later.
// The For Product model changes why we fund, work and own
// to resolve the conflict between abundance and finance.
// When we buy products
// in the usual For Profit model,
// we pay all the costs of production,
// and also profit as ownership changes
// for each step in the supply chain.
// We can make businesses owned by the
// consumers who need those products
// so price and cost are the same.
// For example, if you own an avocado tree,
// you own those avocados without purchase,
// even if someone else or does the work.
// This is a generalization of
// Wikipedia.org/wiki/Imputed_rent
// By combining the roles
// of consumer and owner,
// purchase disappears,
// and those profits with it.
// There is no profit
// since the consumer
// remains the owner.
// BTW: Every worker is a consumer.
// From the perspective of a group, we can:
// 1. Sell future products to buy property {land, tools, etc.} without debt. This is just crowdfunding to supply workers with the property required for production.
// 2. Buy future work in exchange for property. Workers, and only workers, gain property ownership, without debt, as they complete work agreements.
// 3. Use property ownership and work agreements to “pre-allocate” goods and services. This creates a true insurance system.
// 4. Sell surplus products to buy even more property without debt. This is a profit-sharing strategy to supply workers with more property.
/// CODE
DEFINE[Work]: Human action.
DEFINE[Sources]: Except for work, all the material and immaterial inputs required for production, such as land, water, tools, genetics, designs, radio spectrum, etc.
DEFINE[Product]: Any good or service.
== User Interface
BUTTON[Buy Future Product]: Prepay for Products with either work or money.
Auto-completes when Product is defined, else calls SCREEN[Define Product].
DAO auctions Product Tickets​:ticket:, each representing a future Product.
DAO uses some prepayments to buy Sources for future production.
DAO uses some prepayments to payoff external debt held by workers.
Each Product Ticket​:ticket: has a natural begin-time and expire-time.
// This is how you prepay with work.
BUTTON[Sell Future Product]: Sign agreement to complete future work.
Auto-completes when Product is defined, else calls SCREEN[Define Product].
▦ ↔ DAO auctions Source Titles▦, each representing 1_ft² of land ownership.
You own the Products of vested Sources without purchase.
You receive immediate access to some Sources and critical Products.
As work is completed, external debt is resolved without paying interest.
After debt is repaid, Sources vest as work is completed. Workers become consumer-owners.
BUTTON[Buy Surplus Product]: Pay for Products with either work or money.
Auto-completes when surplus is available, else calls SCREEN[Buy Future Product].
DAO auctions Product Tickets​:ticket:, each representing a surplus Product.
DAO uses some of that profit to buy Sources for future production.
DAO uses some of that profit to payoff external debt held by workers.
SCREEN[Define Product]: List Sources, Work and Time required to create some quantity and quality of Product.
// For example, how many ft² of land, gallons of water, compost, work, and hours required to make one Avocado.
// Shows templates for various product types, loose enough to allow new inventions.
// Qualified workers must validate definition before it is offered as a future product.
// Physical locations may be constrained in many ways, such as the climate required.
SCREEN[Buy Future Product]: Prepay for Products with either work or money.
// Shows physical locations, defaulting to those closest to the user.
// Registered Source types: For example, different Avocado varieties.
// Qualified Workers or Guilds, their Ratings and Physical locations.
SCREEN[Sell Future Product]: Sign agreement to complete future work.
// Workers must Qualify before agreement is offered.
// Workers can optionally join Guilds to spread risk.
SCREEN[Buy Surplus Product]: Pay for Products with either work or money.
// This is limited to the surplus product available right now.